
The abstracts must be submitted not later than 15 Aug 2016, and the deadline for submitting full papers is 30 Sep 2016 after their presentation during the conference on 22 and 23 Sep 2016.

The papers and their abstracts will be submitted through the EasyChair conference system following the description given below.

Papers should be thematically related to applications of mathematics and statistics in economics and should fall in one of the following sections:

  • Applied Statistics
  • Demographical Statistics
  • Mathematical Statistics
  • Regional Issues

Only original papers can be submitted and presented during the conference. Every author sending his or her paper is declaring originality of it. Each paper passing successfully the review process included in the proceedings will be published online and submitted to the Web of Science database.

Each paper will go through a double-blind peer-review process. The result will either be acceptance without reservations, acceptance after correction in accordance with reviewers comments, or refusal of the paper. Each paper must be presented at the conference.

The collection of papers will be sent to Thomson Reuters to be considered for inclusion into the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI), which is integrated index within the Web of Science maintained by Thomson Reuters.

Abstract submission guidelines

The abstracts will be submitted online through the EasyChair conference system, which is accessible for the FERNSTAT 2016 conference at After clicking on this link the conference participant is kindly asked to create an account through which both the abstract and the paper can be submitted and later managed during the review process and accessed in later stages. Perhaps some conference participants may have already an account with EasyChair, in which case they may choose to resend their password to their e-mail address under which they were registered at the time. Once the registration process has been completed, it is advisable to keep the log-in credentials (username and password) and to remember the e-mail address under which the account has been created.

If any trouble is experienced, the conference participant may turn directly to  for further instructions or assistance.

Paper preparation guidelines

The paper must be prepared directly either in the Microsoft ® Word template template_fernstat2016.doc

and all instructions must be respected if the paper be eligible for publication in the proceedings. The required length of the paper is from 8 to 12 pages. The paper must refer to the current level of knowledge and must use relevant references in it. The required number of references is between 6 and 15. At least 4 references must be from the Web of Science™ Core Collection. The numbering of pages must remain automatic as it is in the template. When preparing equations or formulas in Microsoft ® Word, the Equation facility of Microsoft ® Word 2007/2010/2013 must not be used. Instead, equations may be written directly or using the older Microsoft Equation 3 capability (Insert/Object/Microsoft Equation 3).

Only original papers can be submitted and presented during the conference. Every author sending his or her paper is declaring originality of it. Each paper passing successfully the review process included in the proceedings will be published online and submitted to the Web of Science database.

Paper submission guidelines

The papers will be submitted online through the EasyChair conference system used also for abstract submission. The EasyChair slot for the FERNSTAT 2016 conference is accessible at It is imperative that the conference participant utilize the same account that he or she used in submitting the abstract. The paper will only be appended to the existing conference account and submitted abstract.

Two versions of the paper must be submitted and uploaded: (i) the full version containing identifiers (the name(s) of the author(s), the affiliation and workplace, as well as the acknowledgement section), and (ii) an anonymized version in which all the identifiers are removed so that the paper may undergo a blind peer-review process. In other respects the two versions must be identical. Although the removal of identifiers is the sole responsibility of the author(s), the papers shall be checked for their anonymity and compatibility.

If any trouble is experienced, the conference participant may turn directly to for further instructions or assistance.